
Results from Thursday Social Fun Run 3k/5k/7k – 17 August 2017

Apologies for tardiness of these results, our normal web person was on holiday in Japan.

It was great to see so many people after the Island Chill Suva Marathon – we welcomed back club regulars (who clearly got their training spot on!) and some new runners


Results from Thursday Fun Run 7k/5k/3k – 17 August 2017

NameDistanceTimePace min/km
Kat319 minutes, 36 seconds6 minutes, 32 seconds
Noah326 minutes, 48 seconds8 minutes, 56 seconds
Anna326 minutes, 48 seconds8 minutes, 56 seconds
Malcolm524 minutes, 55 seconds4 minutes, 59 seconds
Marvin524 minutes, 29 seconds4 minutes, 53 seconds
Vishal528 minutes, 19 seconds5 minutes, 39 seconds
Caroline529 minutes, 11 seconds5 minutes, 50 seconds
Steph531 minutes, 05 seconds6 minutes, 13 seconds
Raj726 minutes, 33 seconds3 minutes, 47 seconds
David Song730 minutes, 58 seconds4 minutes, 25 seconds
Phil730 minutes, 58 seconds4 minutes, 25 seconds
Avikash733 minutes, 30 seconds4 minutes, 47 seconds

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Join us for our FUN-5k! Come down to walk or run 3km or 5km or 7km. Beginner’s and regulars welcome.

Some beautiful sunsets to keep you distracted at the moment!

Thursday Fun 5k – 31 August 2017


See you on the seawall again next week!

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