Congratulations! You have entered the Munro Leys Suva Marathon 2024!
Suva Marathon Club and our sponsors Munro Leys and XL Sports look forward to welcoming you to Fiji’s capital for the South Pacific’s Greatest Road Race!
Race Bib Pick Up
Holiday Inn, Friday 7th July, 3pm – 7pm.
All runners must collect their Race Packet including their race numbers on Friday, 7th June 2024 from the Holiday Inn, Suva.
There will be no race numbers given on the day of the race.
If you aren’t able to get to the Holiday Inn yourself, you MUST arrange for someone to do this on your behalf.
Runners Briefing
We will hold a RACE BRIEFING at the Albert Park Pavilion at 6PM-7PM on Friday, June 7th.
Come along to understand the course logistics and get any of your questions answered.
Lane closure – Only one lane of Queen Elizabeth Drive will be available for runners (the seawall side). Runners must stay RIGHT of the lane – this allows runners who are coming back from the turnaround point to use the lane as well. Please stay right and do not spread across the road!
Half Marathon & Marathon – You must collect a band each time you reach the turnaround point. Half marathoners will need 2 bands to finish and full marathoners will need 4 bands. You will have to show these to be allowed into the finishing chute.
Finishing – To finish your race (all distances) you must complete one full lap of Albert Park before coming around again and finishing at the Pavilion.
Race Day
Albert Park Pavilion will be our Race Hub.
The roads around the perimeter of Albert Park will be closed therefore parking should be towards the city end of Suva.
To avoid delays we recommend taxis or car pooling.
6AM Start – The marathon start will be near Fiji Museum entrance on Cakobau Road.
Toilets can be used at Albert Park Pavilion prior to the race start.
There will be 4 loops to complete the marathon.
Distance 42.2km
Half Marathon
6:15AM Start – The half marathon start will be along Constitution Avenue (outside main door of Parliament).
Toilets can be used at Albert Park Pavilion prior to the race start.
There will be 2 laps to complete the half marathon.
Distance 21.1km
10.55km Road Race
7:00AM Start – The 10.55km individual road race begins from the Suva Bowling Club (Grahame Street).
There will be one lap to complete the 10.55km.
Distance 10.55km
Team Marathon
7:15AM Start – All 4 members of the Team Marathon will start together at the Suva Bowling Club (Grahame Street).
Each runner will run one lap to complete the 10.55km.
Combined distance 10.55km x 4 = 42.2km (a full marathon!)
Course Maps
It is extremely important to take on fluids during strenuous activity. Even more so during hot or humid weather. To ensure that runners and walkers stay hydrated there will be 3 aid stations on the course:
- Opposite Thurston Gardens on Queen Elizabeth Drive
- Opposite Vuya Road on Queen Elizabeth Drive
- Opposite Fiji Maritime Academy on Queen Elizabeth Drive
There will also be ambulances and medics available around the course. If you feel unwell or notice that a fellow participant is unwell notify a course marshal or volunteer immediately. They will inform the medics.
Do not continue on the course if you are unwell.
Inform a course marshal or another participant.
Health & Safety
To ensure a smooth and safe race we kindly request you follow the guidelines below. We wish for the Munro Leys Suva Marathon to be a safe and enjoyable experience for all of the participants. Participants endangering other runners or cutting the course will be disqualified.
Keep Right – Only one Lane of Queen Elizabeth Drive is open for runners – stay on the right side of the cones.
Look – Follow signs that show the course route.
Listen – Follow course marshal’s instructions.
Bands – At the turn around point on QED take a wrist band for every loop (half and full marathon runners).
Water – Use the 3 aid stations to stay hydrated along the route.
Bibs – Your race bib has a timing chip integrated into it, therefore do not bend or fold it. You will be provided with 4 safety pins to attach the bib to the FRONT of your t-shirt. The bib needs to be clearly visible by course marshalls.
OAA Partnership
Suva marathon club and Oceania Athletics Association are working in partnership to present the Oceania Masters Half Marathon Competition. Athletes 30+ are eligible to participate. Awards are provided for every 5 year age group for both male and female.
Award ceremony starts at 09:30 after the race.
Awards Ceremony
The award ceremony times:
- 09:30 – Half marathon – 10km – Team Marathon
- 10:30 – Marathon
What’s Next
Keep your active lifestyle alive and join us for our next race, the Namosi half marathon and 10km run on September 7th. You’ll be in the beautiful highlands of Viti Levu and enjoying the cheering hospitality of the locals. It will be an eco challenge like no other which is why we call it : Fiji’s toughest race!
To build up to the Namosi race adventure why not join us for our monthly FREE 5km and 10km runs.
Check our Facebook Page for updates or join our mailing list.
- July 6th – meeting @ Apted Park
- August 3rd – meeting @ Apted Park
- September 7th – Namosi Half Marathon and 10K
- October 5th – meeting @ Apted Park
- November 2nd – meeting @ Apted Park
- December 7th – meeting @ Apted Park
Please remember to pass on a kind thanks to our volunteers. They are supporting you on your healthy lifestyle choices and deserve a big THANK YOU!
If you would like to join our merry band of volunteers please get in touch: [email protected]